Grab your passport and travel the globe with our world dance workshops

What better way to learn about a country you are studying than with a cultural dance from that country.  During our world dance workshops, you get to experience the music and costumes, as well as the dance.

These workshops are great for Early Years, SEN, KS1, KS2 or older classes.

Why not book us for your International Day or to support your Religious Education topics?

Props and costumes

Where possible, we bring in props for the children to see, and costumes to try on, giving an all rounded learning experience for the students.

For our Indian dance workshops we bring in coined scarves and Bindis for everyone to wear during the session – students love to get dressed up and have fun!

Different Countries

We will tailor our world dance workshops to suit the countries you are studying.

You can pick one country for all your classes to learn one style of dance. Or each class can have a different country to focus on. It’s totally up to you.

World dance styles

Here are some of the many popular countries we teach dances from:

Or if you have other dance workshop styles in mind let us know – i’m sure we can do it!


Why not have a performance at the end of the day so that everyone can experience all the the different world dances you have been trying out?

We can either pick a few classes, or everyone can get the change to perform their cultural dance at the end of the day in an assembly.

Book your workshop today!

Why not treat your pupils to a dance workshop? We are based in London but have teachers across the UK to bring our workshops to you.