Any theme or topic can expressed through our Contemporary dance workshops, or you can have no theme at all and just enjoy the free flowing physical movement

Our Contemporary dance workshops give a fresh way of looking at a subject. This increases the learning ability, especially for those less academic students.

Any theme or topic can expressed through Contemporary Dance.


Inspiration for a dance can be found anywhere. If you have a piece of music you like, or may be using a book or art work you as your topic, we can create a dance around it.

We can either come prepared with a dance to teach your students, or help them to create one in our Contemporary dance workshops.

Great for KS1, KS2, GCSE groups and A Level classes.

Contemporary dance technique

Our teachers teach their own style of contemporary dance. But if you’d like to have a specific style taught (for example Graham or Cunningham technique) that is fine, just let us know when you contact us.

Take a look at our demo video of a more lyrical Contemporary dance choreographed by Zest.

Subject Ideas

Contemporary dance is a very creative dance style which can be based around a national curriculum subject you may be working on. For example the Roman story of King Midas to support a History lesson. The Solar system in Science. Or you may be talking about the Olympics and want to create a sporty dance around that.
You may want to bring a poem to life or have been inspired by a piece of classical music. We can create a Contemporary dance workshop to fit your topic.
Take a look at our blog on a Fire and Ice themed day that we taught in a school.


Please let us know what theme you are working on and the age of the children, and we will create a dance especially for you. We can also do Contemporary dance workshops focusing on lifts or contact improvisation for Key Stage two students and above.

Our Contemporary dance loves

Zest’s inspiration is taken from some historic great dancers and choreographers, such as: Martha Graham, Merce Cunningham, Richald Alston and Doris Humphrey, Pina Bausch, Rambert; along with some of the fantastic newer talent out there, Russell Maliphant, Siobhan Davies, Akram khan and Hofesh Shechter (all amazing stuff).

Take read of our blog from when we went to see the amazing Contemporary dance company Fuerza Bruta

Book your workshop today!

Why not treat your pupils to a dance workshop? We are based in London but have teachers across the UK to bring our workshops to you.