Adults with learning difficulties


Zest has taught lots of fantastic sessions recently for Grapevine organisation in Essex. It’s a group for adults with learning difficulties. They offer loads of different activities, either in the centre, or going out on trips. The members either come with carers, or by themselves, and are encouraged to be independent in the sessions.

If you are 18 years old or over you are welcome here, there is even a 70 yr old who attends!

They have a strong core of 40 members who attend every week. They are a great bunch of friends, (with some dramas also breaking out amongst them!). It has a really warm and friendly atmosphere, with all the members wanting to chat to us.

Dance styles

The first session we did was African dance, and we bought lots of African belts for everyone to dress up in to get in the mood. It’s a 2hr workshop, so everyone was exhausted by the end of it.

The second session was Street dance and it was on one of the hottest nights in June – we were all sweltering! It was great coming back again as we are getting to know the members, and they were looking forward to seeing us again.

The third session was for an Indian themed night, so we did lots of Bollywood dance. We got everyone dressed up in belly scarves and Bindis. Then we taught two energetic dances to the beats of current Indian music.

During Chinese New year, we did some traditional Chinese fan dances. The Grapevine leaders bought in lots of Chinese costumes so everyone had a great time dressing up. They loved posing with the ornate fans we bought in.

The next one we have lined up to teach is a Strictly Come Dancing theme – and we can’t wait to get our sequins on for some Ballroom!